Laura Morera has a degree in Mathematics from the Universidad Politécnica de Cataluña (UPC) and a PhD in Teaching of Mathematics and Experimental Sciences from the Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona (UAB). She is currently a professor at the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC) and collaborates with Innovamat. Additionally, Laura has more than 17 years of elementary school, middle school and university teaching experience and she has also led teacher trainings.
We know that mathematics is not just about performing operations, but when learning this fundamental aspect, what is more important is understanding w…
This December has been marked by the publication of the TIMSS Study, a document analyzing mathematics and science performance across various countries…
Do multiplication tables need to be memorized? Should we encourage struggle in math? How vital is fluency? You often ask us these questions, and we di…
Over the years, institutions around the world have contributed to educational research through their findings, insights, and concrete proposals for th…
What are the PISA tests? What do they analyze, exactly? What problems are posed to the students? What can we do to improve the results?In recent weeks…
Download the infographic Download the infographic for examples of how to generate learning opportunities in different contexts. Table of contents “Hav…
Table of contents At present, the debate on the pros and cons of the use of technology in the classroom has come under the spotlight. But what does ed…