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Let’s Celebrate World Teachers’ Day Together


If you had to choose the teacher who has impacted you most, who would you pick and why? We asked ourselves and shared our answers. And do you know what? Going beyond teaching theories, we were all in agreement that what we remembered best was the passion, care, patience and sense of humor of our teachers.

Teaching goes beyond theory

The role of a teacher in the classroom runs through generations, text books and activities. It addresses values, managing emotions, empathy and leadership. Also, positive reinforcement, personal growth and socio-affective skills, which we have often spoken about in this blog.

World Teachers’ Day

Since 1994, October 5th has been a date highlighted in the calendar. It’s World Teachers’ Day and it commemorates the acceptance of the recommendation of the International Labour Organization (ILO) and Unesco concerning The Status of Teachers (1966). It is a recommendation which lays out the regularization of teachers concerning training, rights, acknowledgements and hiring. 

Every year, Unesco holds conferences centered on a central topic to celebrate this day. For example, the last few years were, ‘Teachers at the center of higher education recovery’ (2021), ‘Teachers: Leaders in crisis situations, re-inventing the future’ (2020), ‘Young teachers, the future of the profession’ (2019).

This year, in 2022, the central topic will be:

Consult the full program here.

Join the party!

In this conference, the way in which teachers are transforming education, the support needed to fully unleash their talents and vocation and rethinking the road ahead with respect to the profession on a global scale will be debated. 

You can join the conversation or follow the conversation on social media with the hashtag:


And if you are up to it, record yourself thanking the teacher who has most impacted you. Don’t forget to mention us (@innovamat) so that we can share it and who knows, maybe it will reach its destination… what is clear is that it will encourage and motivate other teachers. So, join us and let’s celebrate World Teachers’ Day!

World Teachers' Day 2023

Those of us who have decided to become teachers have the wonderful opportunity to generate learning opportunities that impact, transform, inspire and shape the lives of others on a daily basis. Our purpose, which we care about and persevere in, is ambitious but essential.

At Innovamat, we are extremely lucky to communicate, reflect, help and train many teachers. We are very happy to meet you, listen to you, share concerns and celebrate our achievements together. That is why we want to use the Innovamat Training Days to give you a message from the whole team. Today, we are sending this message to the entire educational community. We hope you enjoy the incredible teaching journey.

Thank you to all teachers. Let’s continue to build a community together which transforms education.

May the wind be at your back. Happy Teachers’ Day!

Dear teachers:

You know the saying: ‘’If you want to go fast, go alone, but if you want to go far… go together.’’ At Innovamat, we take this very seriously. So much so that there are more than 300 people working behind the scenes to make our educational journey possible. And now, where do we go from here? And what do we want to achieve? For us, the main purpose of this journey is to create a mathematically competent society that sees mathematics as a tool for understanding and enjoying the world. And changing it, of course! So, who is this task for, then? It’s your task, as teachers, who love math as much as we do.

Thank you ever so much for getting on board today and being part of the team. Getting to know you, working together side by side, developing a sense of closeness makes the journey much more pleasant.

And we already know that it will not always be a breeze. But rest assured that you have all the tools necessary to succeed. We are right by your side. Because we love going the extra mile! That’s how we started 2017, in fact! Since we always had the conviction that a good mathematics education is essential to make the world a better place, we decided to move mountains.

We hope you have a positive Innovamat experience everyone, may the wind always be at your back this academic year, and we hope that math will treat you well.


  • Anna Llobet

    Content Writer and Communications. While studying at Barcelona’s Universidad Pompeu Fabra, she realized the importance of communication in transmitting knowledge and emotions. She has always been very interested in education and the values surrounding learning math: “Math is also a language to explain the world.”

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