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  • Fostering Fluency in the Math Classroom

    We know that mathematics is not just about performing operations, but when learning this fundamental aspect, what is more important is understanding w…

  • When and How Do Children Enter the World of Numbers?

    Maria Antònia Canals said it is virtually impossible to tell when children enter the world of numbers. However, today we know that babies are born wit…

  • 5 Key Q&A’s to Boost Math Education

    Do multiplication tables need to be memorized? Should we encourage struggle in math? How vital is fluency? You often ask us these questions, and we di…

  • nombre zero

    Zero, The Number: Challenges and Opportunities

    Table of contents The Power of the Math Classroom On a Wednesday morning at 9:00, I go into my 6th grade classroom to work on powers. In this session,…

  • Addition and subtraction: additive operations

    Table of contents Addition and subtraction are two of the basic operations that students starting working on very early in kindergarten and then in mo…

  • situacions d'aprenentatge matemàtiques

    Learning Situations in the Mathematics Classroom

    Download the infographic Download the infographic for examples of how to generate learning opportunities in different contexts. Table of contents “Hav…

  • Algebraic Content in Early Years

    The Early Years stage is a fundamental period in students’ development. This is because during this period, the foundations of their cognitive develop…

  • Matemàtiques i STEM

    Do we really include math in STEM activities?

    In the world of education, the acronym STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) has gained great importance in recent years. This mult…

  • The role of technology in the mathematics classroom

    Table of contents At present, the debate on the pros and cons of the use of technology in the classroom has come under the spotlight. But what does ed…

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