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  • What is a problem

    What is a problem?

    This is how I usually begin my Math PD sessions for elementary and my course to preservice teachers at the university. I simply ask, “What is a proble…

  • Innovamat dinàmiques inici de curs matemàtiques

    6 Activities for the Beginning of the School Year

    After a well-deserved vacation, we are back to start the school year! As teachers, we know that the first days of class are among the most important a…

  • onsejos prácticos para la transición de primaria a secundaria. Prepárate para gestionar este cambio y ayudar a los alumnos en esta etapa

    How to manage the transition from elementary to middle school

    The change, or rather, the transition between elementary and middle school is not always easy. Teachers can sometimes be unsure of how to prepare thei…

  • Laura Roma

    Interview with Laura Roma

    Laura Roma is a teacher and member of the Innovamat Trainers team. And what does this team do? It is responsible for accompanying, training and guidin…

  • Known facts derived facts

    Known Facts / Derived Facts

    Table of contents If you follow us, you will surely have heard us mention the expression “known facts, derived facts” on many, many occasions. With th…

  • Understanding Standards: Content, Cluster, Domain, Process and Practice

    Let’s think about language. If someone, for instance, were to memorize the entire Spanish dictionary, could they claim to speak Spanish? Clearly not….

  • Navigating Changes: A Closer Look at New Jersey’s Revised Mathematics Standards

    Table of Contents Picture this: You’re leading a vast corporation, managing numerous branches across the state of New Jersey. One day, you discover a…

  • Regla de tres

    The Rule of Three

    Table of contents The rule of three is a mathematical concept that we tackle in different elementary school grades. The rule of three algorithm has be…

  • Feina reflexiva docent

    Reflecting on the Complexity of the Teaching Profession: A Path to Meaningful Learning

    Table of Contents The teaching profession is a complex profession that is far from straight forward. This is because it is not about passing on knowle…

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