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Elementary News for the 24-25 School Year

news elementary innovamat

As we approach the end of the second term, over the last few days, the entire team has been diligently preparing the upcoming 24-25 school year.

Over the past few months, we’ve carefully read through our surveys (thank you very much for your participation!)where you’ve communicated what you need from us, and now we would like to show you what we’ve come up with.

You now have access to some amazing new features that you will be able to use from today.

Don’t miss them, you’ll love them!

Below we explain in detail each of the new features shown in the video, if you want to explore them further or if you prefer to read instead of watching the video 🙂

New format of the guides, to make them more intuitive

The guides have an updated format, to make them more intuitive and easy to read. In the digital format you will have both the guide and the class player in a single window. This will make it easier to prepare classes! The guides will also include the assessment indicators you have in the indicator tables.

More options in digital practice reports

You now have the overview of general progress to see the evolution of each student throughout the year. You can also see what activities your students do during and outside school hours. You additionally have several options to download the reports: PDF, spreadsheet, or you can add them directly to your Drive.

Applets Finder

We’ve incorporated a new Applets Finder in both the classroom Manager and the App to make it easier to navigate between grades and content strands. Also, they can now be searched by name!

New activities to work on computational thinking and statistics

Apart from this, we have also developed two new activities to continue working on computational thinking and statistics.

  • In the first activity, students will help Carrie reach her goal by instructing her with the pieces on the bottom bar. There are very easy levels, but there are others where the students will have to be quite creative to solve them.

  • In the second activity the students will practice representing a set of data in a pictogram in different ways: from the number of elements, relating tags to what they represent, using the table and even playing detectives to complete the tags using clues!

Training area for home practice

As you already know, the app allows you to practice from home using your personal profile. Soon you will be able to differentiate the experience between practicing in school and from home. To do this, we have created a training space specifically designed to practice activities already seen in class, highlighting students’ specific difficulties.

Tools for families to join in from home

We are aware that families want to get involved in their children’s learning, but sometimes they do not have the tools to do so. That’s why we’ve added a section in the Number Lab logbooks with explanations and tips. So, if you decide in your school that students take their logbooks home, their family will have more context and resources to join in. We will also continue to add resources to the families section of the classroom manager.
We hope you will find all the updates that are now available and those coming in the next year 24-25 useful!

We will continue to work alongside you to improve together and will continue to offer new tools and training to help guide your students’ math learning.


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