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  • Fostering Fluency in the Math Classroom

    We know that mathematics is not just about performing operations, but when learning this fundamental aspect, what is more important is understanding w…

  • news elementary innovamat

    Elementary News for the 24-25 School Year

    As we approach the end of the second term, over the last few days, the entire team has been diligently preparing the upcoming 24-25 school year. Over…

  • Multiplicació i divisió

    Multiplicative Thinking: Multiplication and Division

    Table of contents Learning multiplicative thinking is one of the challenges faced by students and teachers throughout 3rd and 4th grade, and it is a c…

  • Addition and subtraction: additive operations

    Table of contents Addition and subtraction are two of the basic operations that students starting working on very early in kindergarten and then in mo…

  • Activitat matemàtica festiva

    A very festive mathematical activity

    Someone will be the odd one out at these parties! The characters in the Innovamat math adventures have done their thing: they have prepared a math act…

  • Matemàtiques i STEM

    Do we really include math in STEM activities?

    In the world of education, the acronym STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) has gained great importance in recent years. This mult…

  • Conteo aritmética

    Counting: The first steps towards arithmetic calculation

    How many times have we heard “My son can count to 20!” It’s something parents say, they’re excited to see their little ones growing up. However, teach…

  • Innovamat dinàmiques inici de curs matemàtiques

    6 Activities for the Beginning of the School Year

    After a well-deserved vacation, we are back to start the school year! As teachers, we know that the first days of class are among the most important a…

  • Known facts derived facts

    Known Facts / Derived Facts

    Table of contents If you follow us, you will surely have heard us mention the expression “known facts, derived facts” on many, many occasions. With th…

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