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  • The nods behind our new logo

    Since we started almost 7 years ago, our purpose has been to change the way we look at mathematics to promote a more competent society. Although our h…

  • news elementary innovamat

    Elementary News for the 24-25 School Year

    As we approach the end of the second term, over the last few days, the entire team has been diligently preparing the upcoming 24-25 school year. Over…

  • Activitat matemàtica festiva

    A very festive mathematical activity

    Someone will be the odd one out at these parties! The characters in the Innovamat math adventures have done their thing: they have prepared a math act…

  • Testimonial Upper Freehold

    In a recent conversation with Allison Heide, a math interventionist at Newell Elementary School in the Upper Freehold School District, we dived into t…

  • Conteo aritmética

    Counting: The first steps towards arithmetic calculation

    How many times have we heard “My son can count to 20!” It’s something parents say, they’re excited to see their little ones growing up. However, teach…

  • Laura Roma

    Interview with Laura Roma

    Laura Roma is a teacher and member of the Innovamat Trainers team. And what does this team do? It is responsible for accompanying, training and guidin…

  • Miedo matemáticas

    4 Tips to help your students overcome their fear of mathematics

    Table of Contents Phrases like “I’m not good at math” are unfortunately heard all too often in the classroom (and elsewhere). For many students, math…

  • Mathematics world book day

    Mathematical activities for World Book Day: Bookmarks

    April 23rd is World Book Day, and to celebrate, we have prepared math activities for all ages! Reading is a fundamental tool in broadening our knowled…

  • Matemàtiques-testimoni-Innovamat-euskadi

    “As a teacher, it gives you a lot of security”

    I’ve never liked math and this year, when I saw the project, I started to love it. Aiora, 1st grade teacher This year, Aiora Aizpurua, taught 1st grad…

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