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  • Cecilia Calvo has a degree in Mathematics from the Universidad de la República (Udelar) in Uruguay and a PhD in Teaching of Mathematics and Experimental Sciences from the Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona (UAB). With more than 30 years of teaching experience, she currently teaches math at the Galí Bellesguard School. She also leads training courses for mathematics teachers and collaborates with Innovamat.

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  • Fostering Fluency in the Math Classroom

    We know that mathematics is not just about performing operations, but when learning this fundamental aspect, what is more important is understanding w…

  • Addition and subtraction: additive operations

    Table of contents Addition and subtraction are two of the basic operations that students starting working on very early in kindergarten and then in mo…

  • Recerca Innovamat ARTIST

    ARTIST Study: 81% of students who are underperforming in math who have participated in early intervention succeed in improving their arithmetic fluency

    Find the scientific article here, published by the journal SN Social Sciences Many students who perform poorly in math at the beginning of elementary…

  • onsejos prácticos para la transición de primaria a secundaria. Prepárate para gestionar este cambio y ayudar a los alumnos en esta etapa

    How to manage the transition from elementary to middle school

    The change, or rather, the transition between elementary and middle school is not always easy. Teachers can sometimes be unsure of how to prepare thei…

  • Indicadors d'exit

    Indicators in the Classroom for a Successful Learning of Mathematics

    Following a conversation with one of our teaching advisors, Cecilia Calvo, we have described daily situations in the classroom that provide us with in…

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