Albert Vilalta has a degree in Telecommunications Engineering and is a PhD student of Teaching of Mathematics and Experimental Sciences in the Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona (UAB). With more than 7 years of teaching experience, he is currently a professor of mathematics in the Faculty of Education at UAB and a member of the Innovamat teaching team, where he carries out research, development, training and communication tasks.
Building Thinking Classrooms in Mathematics (K-12), by Peter Liljedahl, is a great book. No advertising is needed: every teacher I met in NJ this Sept…
This is how I usually begin my Math PD sessions for elementary and my course to preservice teachers at the university. I simply ask, “What is a proble…
Often, when talking about competency-based learning of mathematics, contrary to more traditional approaches, it is inferred that anything related to m…
Table of contents Assessment of what the students have produced In our daily teaching, we continuously generate, along with the students, favorable si…