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  • Grafia nombres infantil

    Number formation in Early Years education

    Table of contents How to build the concept of numbers In Early Years education, learning the numbers takes longer and is more complex than what we mig…

  • Taules de multiplicar

    Do you have to know the multiplication tables by heart?

    Often, when talking about competency-based learning of mathematics, contrary to more traditional approaches, it is inferred that anything related to m…

  • Avaluació competències

    Competency Assessment: Patterns in Two Dimensions Task

    Table of contents Assessment of what the students have produced In our daily teaching, we continuously generate, along with the students, favorable si…

  • Miedo matemáticas

    4 Tips to help your students overcome their fear of mathematics

    Table of Contents Phrases like “I’m not good at math” are unfortunately heard all too often in the classroom (and elsewhere). For many students, math…

  • Indicadors d'exit

    Indicators in the Classroom for a Successful Learning of Mathematics

    Following a conversation with one of our teaching advisors, Cecilia Calvo, we have described daily situations in the classroom that provide us with in…

  • Mathematics world book day

    Mathematical activities for World Book Day: Bookmarks

    April 23rd is World Book Day, and to celebrate, we have prepared math activities for all ages! Reading is a fundamental tool in broadening our knowled…

  • innovamat competencies basiques

    Innovamat helps to improve mathematical competence by up to 11%

    Students who do mathematics with Innovamat show up to 11% better performance on standardized mathematical-competency tests. This is demonstrated by th…

  • enters i naturals innovamat

    Integers and natural numbers: which are there more of?

    Mariama is a 7th grade student who loves math. She told us in a letter she wrote to Sam, the main character of our middle school narrative. What she w…

  • 10 Practices for a Problem-Solving Classroom Environment

    Here are the 10 practices Would you like to encourage reasoning, critical thinking and the discussion of strategies in the classroom? Download the 10…

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