Yes. You’re reading it correctly. Marc Prensky, the man who coined the term, digital native in 2001, asked a question that ruffled a few feathers, Wha…
Another year working together and we have been there with you to give you a quality course. Your concerns, feedback and ideas have helped us learn and…
What if you had to take an art class in which you were only taught how to paint a fence? What if you were never shown the paintings of Leonardo da Vin…
Mayeli is a good high school student but she doesn’t want anything to do with reading Life is a Dream, the play we are studying in our Literature clas…
If you had to choose the teacher who has impacted you most, who would you pick and why? We asked ourselves and shared our answers. And do you know wha…
2. Do you know why the classics are classic? Italo Calvino said they are because, above all, they never stop saying what they need to say. The classic…