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  • Trained Engineer and a vocational Mathematics Teacher. Currently he is a math teacher in Sant Gregori school. He combines his teaching work with teacher training and content creation in the Innovamat’s Education department.

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  • Multiplicació i divisió

    Multiplicative Thinking: Multiplication and Division

    Table of contents Learning multiplicative thinking is one of the challenges faced by students and teachers throughout 3rd and 4th grade, and it is a c…

  • nombre zero

    Zero, The Number: Challenges and Opportunities

    Table of contents The Power of the Math Classroom On a Wednesday morning at 9:00, I go into my 6th grade classroom to work on powers. In this session,…

  • enters i naturals innovamat

    Integers and natural numbers: which are there more of?

    Mariama is a 7th grade student who loves math. She told us in a letter she wrote to Sam, the main character of our middle school narrative. What she w…

  • Chat gpt matemáticas

    ChatGPT: Can you solve math problems?

      On January 20, we tested a problem-solving activity with ChatGPT artificial intelligence. Will it be able to solve it? The advancement of artif…

  • matematiques cultura

    Math and its Cultural Legacy

    What if you had to take an art class in which you were only taught how to paint a fence? What if you were never shown the paintings of Leonardo da Vin…

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